Pearl Jam - Twenty

Cameron Crowe’s Twenty is a living scrapbook dedicated to America’s most…. something… rock band. I don’t know exactly what that adjective is, but Pearl Jam is definitely worthy of a superlative. And despite his gushing affection for the band, Crowe doesn’t make any statements in regard to Pearl Jam’s ultimate pedestal. He simply shows us the band’s history and humanity.

It’s easy to forget exactly how stupid these guys looked back in 1990 (and I mean that in the most loving way possible). Vedder was 100% genuine when he screamed “Delight, delight in our youth!” I wonder if today we aren’t too cynical to boost a band like this up to superstardom. I suspect not, when I hear how un-self-aware the music is that mainstream rock kids are still listening to these days. The fact that Pearl Jam matured with their fans definitely did wonders for their longevity, but it was a tad awkward watching the footage of Eddie climbing up on the rafters during the solos with little regard for gravity—or being difficult during interviews and award shows with that dialed-up intense glare.

It’s about as awkward as watching a video of yourself being creative when you were a kid.

[read the rest at Paste Magazine]


Christopher said…
Excellent! Just confirms I have to get my hands on this. I still get wistful for that summer of 2003...